Hand Picked Nursery
1 Musa 'Siam Ruby' - Starter Plant (ALL STARTER PLANTS require you to purchase 2 plants!)
Musa 'Siam Ruby' (also known as the 'Thai Red Banana') is an attractive and long-lasting ornamental banana tree. It has large dark green leaves with reddish new growth and red-tinged petioles (leaf stalks). In late summer, it produces beautiful, fragrant pink flowers. After flowering, long narrow bunches of bright red bananas develop that are edible, though not particularly sweet. For best results, plant Musa 'Siam Ruby' in a tropical environment in full sun. Make sure that the soil is fast-draining and fertile, with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Water frequently, but do not allow standing water to accumulate. Plant the banana tree in an area sheltered from strong winds, as the large leaves can be easily damaged. For winter protection, mulch around the base of the tree with a thick layer of straw. Fertilize your tree in spring and summer with a balanced fertilizer for optimal growth and fruiting.